I can't believe that she's almost a year old! She's on the verge of walking, cruising around the furniture, letting go and realizing only a few seconds later that she's not holding on and plopping onto her bum, taking a few steps while holding onto my fingers. When she wants to be picked up, she crawls up to me, grabs my pant legs and stands holding onto my legs and shrieks.
She's getting more teeth. Three are through right now, 2 on the bottom, one on the top (and another one on top almost through). It looks like she's going to have her momma's big front teeth ;-) She lucked out with her dad's olive complexion and hazel eyes though! I'm hoping she'll get his curls too.
She's trying to talk...saying mama and dadda along with her many sound effects. She loves to blow raspberries & make car noises. She's learned the signs for milk and more, and uses them often. She's playing pat-a-cake & "so big" every time we change her diaper (until she decides to roll over & make a run for it). She giggles & screeches every time we play peek-a-boo.
She's also really tough...doesn't have much choice, being the youngest of three. Her brother & sister love to hug her, and also like to try carrying her (which looks more like dragging her) when I turn my back. She gets squashed a few times a day...more often than I'm sure she'd like, but the fact that they almost never make her cry can't help the situation.
She knows how to make sure she's heard. When she wants something, she sure can scream (I wonder who she got that from???). Most often the screams happen in the high chair...when she wants meat or yogurt (her two favourites), when we've missed her signs, or when she wants out.
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