Tuesday, January 1, 2008

They're pooped!

and so am I :-) We celebrated Christmas with my family on the 26th (details to come in another post), then went to a hotel with a huge (and very noisy) waterpark for the night on the 27th. The kids always have lots of fun, but it's super overstimulating, and they never sleep very well when we're all in the same hotel. We did a little shopping, had some mexican, and then came home again, and the kids flaked out on the drive home. It was great to spend so much time with family...I really miss all of them. All of the busyness, the company, the complete lack of routine are lots of fun during the holiday season, but it's really hard on the kids (especially G). Things have settled down now, family has gone home and we've got the rest of the week to catch up on sleep, clean up the house, and try to get back into the regular school & work routine.

Happy 2008 everyone!

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