Tuesday, March 18, 2008

It's crazy here....but at least the snow is melting!

and the kids have been LOVING the puddles. Had to dig out the rubber boots and splash pants last night because they got completely drenched splashing in puddles! I don't blame them though...I'm feeling pretty happy about this weather too :-)

It's been pretty impossible to take pictures of this one lately, because she thinks she's a supermodel, and gets right into the camera. So, either I end up with a blurry photo, or an overexposed photo. Apparently she thinks I need an SLR (hint, hint)...and she needs to be in every photo I take!

And this one is going to get some quality time with Grandma again. This time it's pink eye, or some kind of viral eye thing. I get itchy just typing those words. At least she's feeling okay, she's just not allowed to spread her cooties around daycare. She's all about climbing these days...onto the coffee table, onto the couch (and then over the side), and onto little chairs and her toy bench.

This week has been pretty hard on G. Nita is on holidays, and his school schedule has been wacky all month (holidays, PD days, and spring break). This week he has only one day of school, and next week there's an extra day off too. He was thrilled, though, to have JB over for a sleepover this weekend, and VERY proud of his first report card!


Auntie Al said...

Ahhhh, L the supah model. I can't WAIT to have her over to visit! The trouble her and I will get into...
But first, we'll start with her mommy. Make plans. I will hound you until plans are made. Don't you just miss me??
Sorry to hear M is sick again, babies get the craziest things.
And hopefully G will get his schedule back soon, poor guy.
Miss you all so much!

Anonymous said...

Okay what is an SLR??
and yes she is a beautiful princess!
Love Gramma

Anonymous said...

an is JB the fellow from WPG?