Wednesday, July 30, 2008


I am very, very, very grateful to share my job with a partner who complements me so well! Over the past year, we've really discovered just how well our strengths complement each other. I've been spending the past few weeks dreading the agony of preparing our final financial report for the year. This is seriously the work that I most loathe in my job. Today, my partner called to say that SHE'D FINISHED IT!!!! :-) because it was what she felt like working on, because she loves it :-) What a team! I spent a few minutes feeling guilty that I wasn't there suffering through the process, and then I let go of it, because I know that it won't be too long before there will be work to do that she hates but I love, that will give me an opportunity to use my strengths. So, I'd like to leave here tonight with a great big shout-out for an awesome friend and partner... THANK YOU!!! I don't get it... but I am so grateful that you love numbers ;-)

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