Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Happy Birthday

I can't believe that she's already TWO years old! She's still got the laid back personality that she was born with... with the odd, in-control tantrum thrown in now and then just to see what will happen. She still sleeps well, loves her soother, loves to cuddle, and loves her stinky old giraffe. She's learning more words every day, absolutely loves going outside to play and painting, tolerates her sister's rough-housing and her brother's many cuddles, uses the potty some of the time, likes to sit at the table to eat, and loves stories.

Her birthday was a pretty laid back event. Grandma and Grandpa came to our house for supper and cake, we opened gifts, and played for awhile. Nothing too crazy...everyone was pretty tired and ready for bed at the usual time, but opening presents sure was lots of fun. She loves the Love n' Touch from her Auntie, although she will not leave it's sleeper on, and she held it the entire time she opened the rest of her presents!
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