Monday, October 19, 2009

Birthday Princess

L turned 5 at the end of August, and she was so excited to celebrate with her friends... well, she was thrilled to have THREE parties (one with her friends, her birthday with just us, and a celebration with her grandparents). For her birthday, we arranged a horse and carriage ride. It rained 5 inches the week before, so we weren't able to go through the field, but just drove down a gravel road. She loved every second of it, and so did her friends! M came along for the ride, and G went for a round of golf with Grandma & Grandpa.

The girls were so excited to climb onto the carriage, and it was a special treat when a dog jumped up into the wagon to come along for the ride. The girls pet the dog, watched for butterflies and flowers, and smiled a lot! After the wagon ride, we went into the barn, and the girls were all quite astonished by the size of the horse poop, and a little startled when a horse peed right in front of them. They were all quite interested in learning why horse poop is green too. They all met and pet a donkey in the barn, looked at all of the fancy carriages, and said goodbye to the dog. We took them home to eat cake (Barbie cake, of course) and chips. I made a smart decision this year to not do a meal, but to let them just eat the only food they would eat during a meal anyway at snacktime. The girls were all excited to give Lauren their presents. Of course she loved them all, and the girls were all excited to play with the presents they had brought.
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