Sunday, November 2, 2008

trick or treat

We had a GREAT halloween this year! It was SO warm out, the kids were actually hot when we got home and took off their costumes. It's pretty rare for them to be overdressed by this time of year! Everyone chose their own costumes this year. M's lion costume was perfect, since she really likes to "roar"! L wore her new "ball gown," and G chose a Batman costume last weekend (without a mask). We went trick or treating around our neighborhood, and found that a lot of our neighbors were waiting for our kids to show up :-) We didn't need to go far at all for their pumpkins to be filled! G learned a pumpkin song at "pumpkin day" at his school today, and he sang the whole thing at a few of the houses that we stopped at. M got thirsty half way through our trek, so she rode in the wagon and drank a PowerAde that one of our neighbors gave her...and got it all over herself. Once we were done in our neighborhood, we got in the van to visit a special friend, and then went home to bed. After a big day at school, and an exciting evening of trick or treating, and the promise of two episodes of Sonic on Saturday morning, everyone was asleep by 8:25! (and up before 7 on Saturday, ready for cartoons, and ready to dig into those pumpkins... ugh... too much sugar is not good for these kids' moods...).
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