Sunday, March 8, 2009

A day of relaxing

After a long day of travelling, we decided to begin our holiday with a day of relaxation! We spent the morning swimming in our pool. G was determined NOT to wear a lifejacket, and to swim in the deep water. By the end of our holiday, he was able to swim the width of the pool in 5 foot deep water! It wasn't the most technically correct swimming, but he didn't drown either :-) M loved to play on the steps going into the water, and would jump from one step to the next. Her legs were covered in little scrapes and scratches, but they were not deterrent. She kept saying "hot water" and "I'm swimming in the hot water" whenever she was in the pool. She also had a ton of fun playing with cups and spoons at the edge of the pool. L loved just swimming around in her lifejacket. She can paddle around pretty well already, and even jumped into the pool a few times. She also loved riding on her dad's back while he swam underwater.

In the afternoon, the boys went for 18 holes of golf. Once M woke up from a nap, the girls went to DisneyWorld to buy tickets, and then to a huge outlet mall. Our first stop was a Disney store where the girls chose their souvenirs. I picked up a few outfits for the kids, and a pair of shoes for myself at a great deal. We made it back to the house in time to barbeque steaks for supper. After supper, Grandpa took G mini-golfing (where he got a hole in one and a free round of golf... boy was he excited!) and we stayed at the house and went swimming with the girls before bed.
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