Thursday, January 24, 2008

bad blogger

I've been a bad blogger lately, but at least I have an excuse. A wicked stomach flu is working its way around our house. It started with M on Sunday night when she threw up all over me. Then, when I was away at planning meetings on Monday, it hit me and I spent the whole night emptying my system. L and Ralph were both home with it today. Ick! I can't remember the last time I had one of these stomach bugs. Definitely NOT one of my favourite ways to spend my time.

In other news, L is officially a big girl. No more pull ups or soother for bed time! Both were actually relatively painless. Amazing how that is when you just wait for them to be ready! G had Pajama day at school today, and despite his initial concern over putting on PJs at 7 a.m. instead of 7 p.m., he had a great time. M still isn't walking. She wants to, and gets really mad when she falls on her bum. She's been trying out the whole tantrum thing...even banging her forehead on the floor when she's mad. And she lost a fingernail today (the one she squished during our Christmas holiday), it just fell off all on its own.

Tomorrow is our first appointment with our RDI consultant. We've been doing homework and video taping to prepare. Hopefully we're both healthy enough to go!

Promise I'll post some photos soon.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for keeping us posted... flu's are no fun...hopefully your day goes well tomorrow
hugs and kisses..
Love Grandma and Grandpa

Auntie Al said...

Wow, the circular puke bug. I'm sorry! You guys must be exhausted. Your abs must hurt! (Just like after Pilates, ha)
Good luck tomorrow with RDI, let me know how it goes. I hope you have pics of G in his daytime pjs, such a cutie! And M's tantrums, that'd be precious!!
I can't believe L got rid of her soother...are you sure? She's not sneaking it in when you're not looking? :)