Sunday, August 24, 2008

Some days are better than others

Today was one of those days... one of those days when I can tell that an upcoming change is causing anxiety for this little of those days when my heart breaks that I can't take away the things that cause his worries, and his difficulty in coping with them. These tears started when Daddy told him that he'd broken a rule in baseball by running outside of the baseline. Most days, that wouldn't be too big of a deal... but we didn't realize this wasn't going to be one of those days, until the tears started to flow. It looks like we've begun the cycle that comes with big changes. School will be starting in just over a week, one of his best friends just moved away, and I'll be back at work this week. It's easy to forget, in between these times, just how difficult these changes are for him, and what that means for how he deals with the ups and downs of daily life. Even though we can predict when he's going to be more anxious, it really doesn't get a whole lot easier. We've learned that we'll get through it. We've learned how to comfort him, and how to help him cope with his anxiety... but it breaks my heart every time. Be strong little guy... we love you, we'll be there for you.
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