Sunday, August 24, 2008

Happy Birthday sweet girl!

She's four years old today! I can't believe it. It feels like just yesterday that she came into this world, at breakneck speed...and she hasn't slowed down yet.

At four years old:
*she's a drama queen
*she's incredibly animated
*she hears absolutely everything (especially things I wish she wouldn't hear...and then she repeats them)
*she has a very vivid imagination
*she loves to be with her friends
*she can be a little (okay, sometimes a lot) bossy
*she can be incredibly lovable and cuddly
*she needs her mommy when she's sad or hurt
*she can cry like nobody's business
*she still throws the odd tantrum to try and get her way, but she's learning who's really in charge ;-)
*she loves Princesses, Dora, and everything pink
*she loves to choose her own clothes
*she would wear her princess dress-up clothes (thank you Auntie Allison!) everywhere, every day
*she jumps into her mommy's lap when she's frightened during a movie, wants to turn it off, or says she needs to go pee (and she frightens easily)
*she loves her brother like crazy, and also fights with him like crazy
*she is super cute
*she is smart
*she knows her ABCs, can count, and is learning new things every day
*she loves to be read to

She had a birthday party with friends on Friday, and had a LOT of fun! It was a little crazy at times, but all of the kids had a great time...and they even ate something other than chips and cake ;-) Today, we celebrated with our families. She was thrilled about all of her presents, and tore through them in typical four year old fashion. She did remember to say thank you, and she's been playing with all of them non-stop. Of course, there was a pretty predominant princess theme in her gifts from family & friends!
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