Monday, January 18, 2010

Another Christmas Program

G had so much anxiety this year over the Christmas program. After being sick, things just weren't going as well at school, and things were a lot harder for him than they had been earlier this year. To start, the concert was scheduled to begin at 7:45, which is only 15 minutes before bedtime. After a few discussions about how the Christmas season means that we sometimes eat and go to bed at different times, G seemed to be okay with the idea of going to bed "way after bedtime." The biggest problem though was one song that he just could NOT do. Most kids in grade 2 find it pretty funny, but for G, "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth," is like telling a blatant lie, and telling a blatant lie is just wrong. Besides, what if Santa thinks it's true?!? He would get so upset when it was time to sing the song during music class that he would bolt from the room, cry, get mad, and basically just lose it. So, he and his music teacher decided that he just wouldn't sing the song. I am so grateful for the kind way that his teachers handled his worries. For the first time in 30 years, the music teacher changed the order of the concert... just so that G could be a part of it without being totally overwrought! Together, G and Mrs. H decided to put the song we don't name right before the time that G's class would go onto the stage for their reader's theatre, they prepared the program together, and it all seemed much better. G was still convinced that he didn't want to go to school at all on the day of the concert, but he decided that he could give it a try.

On the night of the concert, I couldn't have been a prouder mom! G marched onto the bleachers with everyone else, searched the crowd for us, and gave us a whole bunch of waves. Then he sang his heart out! Just before "the song" was about to start, he ducked down and zipped out. Most people didn't even notice, and he was ready to go on stage with his class.

We all enjoyed the concert, and were so proud! L had a blast taking a lot of pictures with our camera, and even managed to take a few that were in focus.
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