Monday, January 18, 2010

Another proud moment!

L has been doing so well in Kindergarten, and it was so cool to see her at her finest during her Kindergarten party! The party began with a program. The class sang a few songs, did some finger plays, and recited some poems. L did SO well, remembering all the words and actions, and being her usual expressive self!

She was so proud to be dressed in her fancy Christmas dress, to serve us snacks after the party, and to show us all her favourite centres. After the program, we did a whole bunch of activities together. She was very proud of the cookies she had helped make, and especially enjoyed playing at the listening centre, where we took turns closing our eyes and trying to identify the bells that she rang.
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1 comment:

Grama and Grampa said...

Thanks for the beautiful pics and write ups... Growing up goes so quick..
Love Grama and Grampa