Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy Birthday Canada

Our kids were very excited to go to Canada's birthday party this year ;-) We decided to go to the Zoo for the afternoon. Our trip was a little delayed by a stop on the highway to call the RCMP about a broken down vehicle with an impaired driver. It was a good opportunity to talk about highway safety with the kids...

It was a really hot day, so we were thankful for a breeze, sunscreen, shade, and cold drinks. We didn't see all of the animals, but just visited the kids' favourites. They had a great time feeding the ducks and Canada Geese, telling us which animals to take pictures of, walking like animals, playing on the little playgrounds, and waving their Canada flags! M loved the animals, and was constantly pointing, shrieking at the animals, and trying to get out of her stroller!

After the zoo, we went to their favourite restaurant, Boston Pizza. They were so hungry! We decided not to go to the fireworks display this year, since it ended up with covered ears in the van last year, and the kids were already really tired.
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